So since posting my blog yesterday, the one saying I have come back from my girls weekend away buttttttttt I was not on for calls due to my voice being strained and sounding a bit raspier than usual. The questions were how did you strain your voice Mistress? I bet you sound sexier and so on. Well lets have some fun I am not saying i will tell you exactly how I strained my voice but lets see what you think the reason was.

Take the poll below and lets see what you all guess. Was it wild sex? Oh or was it laughing at tiny little dicks? or was it something vanilla like talking to much or sleeping in front of the air conditioner…..I may or may not ever tell but this should be fun for a change of pace on here

So vote vote vote share the poll and lets see what everyone thinks caused my voice to be so raspy….oh and more fun stuff I will be on for calls today raspy voice or not! I actually think it is better but when you call me you can tell me what you think of it.

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