I am not sure how many of you have snap chat but if you are into cross dressing or sissification or feminization of any sort you have got to get it and try the new gender swap feature!

See what the female version of you would look like

So if you ever wondered what you would truly look like as a woman you need to try this! I have seen lots of guys before and afters and I am impressed and amazed! Kinda wild to see yourself as a woman and actually look like one!

There was even a story online about a guy who put his gender swap image on a popular dating app and had all kinds of hits! That is how real the app makes you look as a female! Now I am not suggesting you do that in fact I am telling you NOT to do that. You dont need the attention nor to lead anyone on in any way like that.

Are you brave enough To share

Now lets say you do try snap chat and the gender swap feature…….will you be brave enough to share that picture with me? I wont share it anywhere I will just enjoy it privately. And hey look at it this way too maybe it is a goal you might like to reach to look that way normally so something we can work on to achieve. So there you have it an assignment of sorts and a dare for you to take. let the inner feminine you come on out via the snap chat filter!