So most of you know I live on the west coast of Florida, and hey there just happens to be a hurricane out there threatening Florida! Yay…NOT!! I think Irma is a bitch and I am hoping she disses Florida and just keeps on rolling. What this post is about is to update you and tell you what you can expect from me in the next few days.

Bitching about the storm

Yup, that’s right you can expect me to bitch and complain and cuss out the storm! Hahaha! I will be around as much as I can depending on where this bitch Irma decides to turn. At this current time, it is more east, and they say it will continue east, but they also say who knows really. All it takes is a shift to the west for it to seriously impact my area. Don’t worry you all will know when it or if it happens cause I am sure to bitch about it!

Am I safe?

I have gotten many emails and such with concern for my safety. I am fine I am prepared or as prepared as one can be for such things. I have food water emergency supplies and such. I also have plans in place that if I need to get out, I have a safe place to go. Many of you have even offered me space at your places to which I say wow thank you! I will continue to watch the path and make any decisions I need to as they need to be made.

Keeping you updated

As I mentioned at the start, I am sure to be on twitter and such bitching about the storm so you will know whats up with me. In the event, I have to evacuate or lose power I have ways of spreading the word. So check twitter or my twitter feed right here on my blog for updates. If I lose power/internet and cant update I will call into dispatch to have them spread the word.

Be safe everyone

My fellow Floridians and all those in the path, please be safe. Take the proper precaution’s and be prepared even if the chances are slim you will get hit. It is better to prepare for the worst and have nothing happen than not prepare and have the worst happen.

fuck you irma