You read my title right FREE Phone Sex!!!  On August 19Th there will be TWO free phone sex party line events!   Anyone can call in for 10 to 30 minutes and there is absolutely NO COST!  This free event is brought to you by the Mistresses of LDW, to give you a chance to see just how great party line events can be!  Just call 800-730-7412 a few minutes before the event.

Tomorrow night August 19Th at 9:00 Pm You get 30 minutes of Candid Chat With Catherine and Constance!

During this show we will be asking each other the questions our callers and chatters have mailed to us. These are things ranging from How do we truly feel about a man who enjoys being cuckold husband? Or do any of your callers turn you on? To what style panties do you prefer your sissy girl’s to wear?

Enjoy our candid chat and our sexy voices explaining and sharing with you a little glimpse into how our sexy minds work….and some of you will also be able to join in on the conversation which will just add to the fun!

So I expect all of you faithful followers to call 1-800-730-7412  just a little before 9 pm  Wed August 19Th..and enjoy hearing just what our answers will be to all the things you ever wanted to know about us!!


And then Get ready for yet another FREE Party Line event with Ms Amanda and Ms Lauren They will be hosting a Free event which  starts at 10:00 Pm est and it is another full 30 Minutes!! To check out all of the FREE party line events just visit PartyLinePhoneSex…..and be sure to take full advantage of the the chance to hear for Free the Mistress’s of LDW!!

The number to call just a few minutes before any event is
