November 21, 2010 is your day to experience phone sex with me, but not just any phone sex FREE PHONE SEX! I will be the featured Mistress of the day and anyone…..ANYONE who has ever called our service before November 1, 2010 is getting 10 free minutes of phone sex with the featured Mistress of the day and on the 21st that will be ME *Grin*
Hours Of Free Phone Sex
I plan on being available for as much if not ALL of the entire 24 hours that I am the Featured Mistress, starting right at 12 am est. on Sunday morning and going right up until 11:59 pm Sunday Night. This means there is plenty of opportunity for you to give me a call and have some fun!!
How you can make your call Awesome
If you plan on doing a call with me on Sunday then why not shoot me an e-mail about what it is your looking for, whether you’re a first time caller to me or a long time regular give me a heads up. Would you like to do a hot role play, just hang out, or be given an assignment? Simply mail this information to me before Sunday so I have time to read it and go over it and know to expect you and be ready for whatever need you may have. is my e-mail address and when you call in simply tell me you sent me a mail and what name you used in it and I will remember what you want to talk about.
Another option for you to fill me in is my pre call questionnaire available right here on my blog, simply fill it out and then mail it to me and I will have all your naughty needs and kinky wishes right there for me to read and play off of. The day I am featured Mistress I will NOT be taking IM’s simply because I will be too busy so use one of the two options I have given you to contact me before your session.
Extending your Free Call
You are all more than welcome to add minutes to your Free Phone Sex Call simply tell the dispatcher when you call in that is what you would like to do. I am so looking forward to spending time on the phone with you all for 10, 15, 20 even 60 minutes at a time so don’t worry about adding time to your free session I am all for it!
I understand there is usually a waiting period when you call in for the Featured Mistress so be aware of that when trying to plan out your time to call me. I am ready to have a great time with each and every one of you so let’s take those few extra moments before Sunday to insure you have the most awesome experience with me ever!!
How lucky are we to not only talk to you but to speak for free wow what an honor. You are truely amazing to allow free calls to all of use i am truely grateful for all you do
Well your right there matt sorry I didnt hear from you……….I think work kept you a very busy sissy!!
I am really looking forward to you being the Featured Mistress of the Day. This will make our regular Sunday session just that much more special!! I am rubbing my hands together with glee and in anticipation.
It was so awesome that we still got our time together honey!! Thank you for the call and making my day wonderful!!!
Mmmmm, calling the Faptastic Ms Constace !
i have sweat pooling allready ins mah skin flaps .
my tentacles are clutching 5 bottles of baby oil getting ready to
flog my massive phallus to the sweet words of…..” well heya everybody ! ”
LOL ask tommie how he liked his free call with Cannibal LOL I did YOU for him ohh and NOT in that way LOL
Thank You, Ms Constance from the bottom of my sissy heart for a wondeerful call this morning. Even though i find it very humiliating, i enjoyed singing my sissy song for You and i hope you enjoyed it as well. Having me hum it while i stood in the corner was erotically humiliating as well. You are a fabulous phone goddess.
I had the best time talking to you tara!!! LOL making you hum while you sucked that dildo was just too much fun!!!
The first step in making it awesome was calling you:) Thank you for being so amazing, always.
Awwwwwwwwwww wes you be the best!!! You were my cheerleader the whole time and then I got the awesome treat of talking to you so it was a Fanfuckingtastic day!!!