Every month I speak to my special puppet and this past months call with Ms Hunter joining us was so much fun! Ms Hunter got to hear about this puppet and enjoy a bit of fun food play along with orgasm edging!

Let the edging begin

From the start of the call my puppet had to stroke his cock and he is only allowed to edge no orgasms till I give him permission, so as he stroked that cock I gave Ms Hunter some of the facts about this unique phone sex puppet and all the many things he likes to do with me. We had him do a few things to amuse us such as barking and spanking and ohh boy did this pet love that!!! So did both of us hehehehehehe

Time for some sexy food play

Near about the half way point of this fun call I had my pet not only enjoy a treat from his special pet bowls but we also got to have some fun with food! My puppet brought to the call a nice cake and of course we had to have some fun with that cake, so I had him sit in it! Ohh the sounds he made when he went squish and felt the frosting in every little nook and cranny! Hunter and I also had puppet use some of the frosting to rub onto his swollen cum filled balls!!!

I love a messy food play call

I have to say this call and other like it that involve food fucking and food play just thrills me they are fun and amusing and the messier the better! Think about it and see if the idea of being messy and stroking and well even fucking food would be a turn on for you and lets have some fun!!!

Food play Mistresses