Here we are another hump day and another weekly post with me answering all those questions you have submitted on my ask mistress tab right here on my blog. I am really enjoying this from the serious to silly so feel free to keep them coming!
Dear Mistress:
When you have cuckold boyfriends, do you keep only one bull or make sure to have a few available?
I never have only one real man or bull in my life as it is I have several guys I can reach out to and use as a bull for a cuckolding scenario I don’t have a cuckold boyfriend but I do have cuckolds
Dear Mistress:
Would you ever actually take on a sissy maid to clean for you?
Yes but not one I met online or through my services here, but know this there will be no sex no horned up sissy they will be my maid and clean as instructed
Dear Mistress:
If you were declared Empress of the World, what would your first decree be and how big a harem would you maintain?
Sexual equality for all…. sexual freedom for all and laws that would prosecute anyone for sexually discriminating against sexual preference or life style choices. I would have a minimum of 12 men all with HUGE cocks to use when I wish!
Dear Mistress:
If you were a superheroine; what superpower would you have, what would your name be, who would be you sidekick, and who would be the super villain?
Hmmmmm I would have the ability of mind control, My name would be mindfucktress my side kick would be one of my sexy Mistress friends too hard to choose just one so I choose them all and my super villain would be cannibal or in this world his name would be assman!
Dear Mistress:
How do you feel you show appreciation for your regular callers? Or do you think you need to?
Of course I feel I need to show appreciation for my callers regular or not. How do I show it well with actions being consistent following through and giving them more access to me than most ladies in the business with time and communication all for free and outside of sessions. I also help them in daily life things with advice and simply support……….again all outside of a paid session and I challenge you to tell me what other ladies in this business do it…besides some here at ldw
Dear Mistress:
When did you first discover the control you could exert over certain males and what were the conditions?
Well I was much younger and I remember clearly how guys would fawn all over me stare and get all blubbery and stutter even………… I tested the waters with small things like ohhh I would love to have this…………next thing I know I got it….from there the sky was the limit and I have had guys throwing themselves at me ever since and pleasing me in any way I ask.
Thank you for posting these answers every week. Youre so patient and respectful with your answers. Sometimes it seems the anonymous questions maybe have a hidden agenda but you always answer in a professional way. I have to say one of the many things that has always attracted me to you is your work ethic. I just respect the way you treat your customers. I think allot of your clients could learn allot about the way to interact with other people, be it customers or just regular people.
w thank you so much for your comment and hey you picked up on the hidden message thing too huh? Well listen maybe someone is to shy to ask me flat out themselves and I get it and maybe they are upset with me but never bothered to tell me and I get that too………….but any of my regular clients will say I am here 100% as much as I can be for them and they are considerate of my time and I am considerate of them being mine and I adore them and appreciate them…………thank you so much for the great comment
I have to check my spam more often this a great feature of your blog. I especially like your answers to the Empress of the world question. Super Villian cannibal (assman)! Hehe!
yes you do wet spot so you dont miss anymore
Where do I send my application for the unfilled position of cuckold boyfriend…. I’m very familiar with objects of desire being “unfilled” by me 🙂
hehehe cuckie I will tell you……….one day
…Unless of course, you think I’d qualify for the 12 man harem 🙂
hahahaha uhh NO
Ass Man…. hahahahaha!
I know right jemmie so friggen funny
I enjoy this feature on your blog immensely and have always thought it was a really neat thing for you to offer. I read this post regularly every Wednesday even though I don’t always comment. And I think it’s great how you answer all the questions, no matter what they are. And there certainly are a wide variety!
I’m assuming the discussion about the hidden agenda has to do with the question about how you show appreciation. I have no idea what the person who asked it intended; it seems it could have been any number of things. All I wanted to say was it has been my experience across life that people see hidden meanings in things that aren’t necessarily there. It could just as easily have been someone asking a weird question as someone with an agenda. But good answer regardless.
But the real shocker of an answer here was you saying you’d have a harem of 12 guys with huge cocks if you were declared empress of the world. Come on, you mean you don’t have one now? Do you really need to be declared empress of the world to have one? I would think not…….lol.
Thank you bfla for taking the time to read them I am glad you enjoy them
You may be right but I have a strong feeling that it was a hidden agenda one but it is all good hidden or not I will answer 🙂
lmao no I dont have one now hahahahaha
I look forward to reading this every Wednesday now, Ms Constance , lol. Of course I’m a little late to the party this time. You can spank me later ~Hint hint~
Another great question and answers post. Hell yes to sexual equality for all! Freaking should be now anyways, damnit. I know you can enjoy a nice juicy cock when needed, but totally with you on having a minimum of 12 at all times…owwwwwwwww!!
The mindfucktress, hahaha. Now you have me thinking of my name, lol. Awesome job and look forward to many more. 🙂
LOl Ms kaylee you I would love to spank any time hehehehe
I love you are right there with me on the 12 dudes and hehe mindfucktreess and I am controlling your mind now so get naked!!!