This is a question that recently came up due to my last post about reasons not to be afraid to eat your cum. Someone said I was nice and that they liked the fact I liked men and dicks and some femdoms seem to not like either.
Do all femdoms hate men
My answer is NO I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I am a femdom and I love men! In fact I love men, all men, except assholes but that goes for women or men if your an asshole I don’t care for you. Now back to loving men first of all men are great and fun and sexy. Even those who are not fuckable can still be fun and sexy in other ways and when it comes to a submissive man I simply adore their willingness to go above and beyond for the femdom in their life even if that woman has not defined herself as a femdom.
Do femdoms hate cock
Again I can’t speak for everyone but I am a femdom and I love cock….yes I know I am a size queen but I still love cock. Maybe I won’t make love to small cocks but they are still cool to have fun with. I love penis and they are fun to play with, to tease, to kiss, to stroke, to lick, to fuck, yes I love to do all those things with the men in my life either in person or during a femdom phone sex session……so NO not all femdoms hate cock
Does loving men and cock make me less than a femdom
NO this is not the case. I am just as much a femdom as any other femdom who may not care for cock or men in general. What it means is that I love men, I love sex, I love cock, and I love love love to be in control….that alone is what makes me a femdom . I am in charge in almost every sexual situation I am in and that makes me a femdom and also an amazing woman. Yes, I can be mean and nasty when I need to be and some of you reading this will agree…….but beneath the femdom label is a woman who loves men and loves sex and just because I do does not make me any less of a femdom mistress.
What are your thoughts on these questions?
It is a tricky question because I suppose each Mistress is different. Also, FemDom activities may seem cruel to the Vanilla world. It is, I imagine, difficult for many to understand why a man would want to be dressed in women’s clothes, be beaten or spanked, be cuckolded, or have his penis denied or in chastity. Those not into fetishes or FemDom could easily see the Woman doing this as cruel. What they don’t understand is that both sides WANT those things.
Of course, if the D/s or S&M activities aren’t consensual or safe. Then one might say the Mistress doesn’t respect…or like the men submitting to her. But, At least at LDW it has been my experience that there are no ‘men haters’….that I know of anyway. Carpi Diem….we only live once. So I say fuck the haters, Don’t worry about perceptions like this and just enjoy your life!!!
I don’t think it is tricky for me hehehehe and very well said cuckie what most don’t understand is that I don’t do the things I do because I want them and only I want them I do them because my partners also want them and the vanilla world would just not get that
I respect and love men submitting to me but you already know that and yes fuck the haters hehehehe
I have never thought of most femdoms hating men, certainly not you and the other two wonderful mistresses I spend time with. This goes hand in hand with the question you asked on Facebook the other day about can a mistress be caring and friendly and still be in control. Hell yes! That’s what makes it so wonderful. It’s so easy and enjoyable to let a friendly caring mistress who so obviously loves men take control because I know with you you’re doing what you do to give me the best possible experience. I trust that you will and you always do. I feel the same about Kaylee and Hunter.
It’s really hard to envision someone who hates men doing that, and that’s why I have never thought of you and the vast majority of the mistresses here feeling that way. Even the mistresses who come off as “harsh” I think many times do that because it’s what their readers and callers want. But it’s clear they LIKE their readers and callers for the most part and want to give them what they enjoy — hence I don’t think they hate men but enjoy them in different ways. There’s a lotta love that goes around this place between mistresses and callers, and that’s what makes it so great.
Man-hater? No, not you and not the other ladies I know, and you’re every bit the perfect femdoms. So wear your love loud and proud because I, and I know others, welcome it.
thank you for this very well put reply bfla I agree I can be sweet and nice and love cocks and still be every bit in control of men and sexual partners one does not negate the other …when I mention this I didn’t imply any of the ladies here are this way just a conversation I had with someone that made me go hmmmmmm this would be a great blog post so I whipped one up hehehe thanks again
Maybe some Femdoms hate men, but I would think that you could still like men and their meaty parts, even if dominating and controlling them is your primary focus!
maybe they do jemjem but your femdom loves cocks controlling and playing with them hehehehe
Ms. Constance, I love this blog post! I am with you… I don’t hate men. No-quite the opposite.But no one would ever accuse me of being submissive because of that. We just are strong women who exercise our power over cocks. We know what we like, we know what we want and how to get it. We also know how to treat cocks, big or small. I have to admit, I do lean towards the big ones, but teenie weenies are fun to play with in other ways.
You are every inch a femdom and not even close to a man hater. Maybe a man eater…uh oh here she comes… lol
lmao Ms Meredith I am now singing that song in my head I hope you are happy! I agree we are in charge and we love to be in charge but that does not mean we don’t like cocks or are any less of a femdom because we do love cocks…………I remember telling a sissy when asked about her being a cock sucker and why should she I said I suck cock my sissy should and she was shocked I said why did you think I didn’t? LOL anyways yay for cocks and women who love them
I always thought femdom meant that You were in control at all times. And that cruel Mistresses were just that. If a cruel Mistress is what you wanted then that’s what you search for. I myself don’t care for cruelty, but humiliation is cruel to me. I’m sure there are plenty of levels when dealing with this type of fetish.
I’m just glad I belong to You my Queen Constance! You’ve always been the best femdom to me!!
aww pet I am glad you belong to me too and yes femdom does mean that but with most things when someone does not understand it they make assumptions about it and that’s what this blog was about people assuming femdom meant I don’t like men or cocks or that I am cruel or harsh and now they know this is not the case
I know you love men, you enjoy everyone really.. Just the kind of person/femdom you are. I think the key with anyone enjoying another person, is respect. And whether you’re a female or a male, if the other sex respects you for who you are and what you try to do, you enjoy being around them. If they are assholes, who think the other person is only a piece meat, then it can be less enjoyable to be around them.
w thank you for this comment I do enjoy everyone and I always say I am a woman first a femdom second and no one title I may hold defines who I am as a whole just a bunch of small puzzle pieces that fit together to make the whole of who I am 🙂
This was a really great post Ms. Constance. Some people think that being a fem dom translates to misandry and that is definitely NOT the case.I have a lot of respect for submissive guys because it takes courage to know what you want and what your nature is. I’ve learned in this life you’re always gonna have folks imitating body parts and I always say stay away from the cunts, dicks and assholes because those are usually the most problematic ones;).
Ms jenna I love the stay away from body parts comment hahahahahahaha and you are right being submissive actually take courage
Great post, Ms. Constance! After many two-Mistress calls with you, I can wholeheartedly agree that you’re one hell of a femdom! 😉
I completely agree. Loving men (and especially loving cock) doesn’t take away from a woman’s ability to be a strong, powerful femdom. If anything, it makes her better suited to be a skilled and dangerous cocktease! I love some cruel, strict fun, but it all stems from my love of men, cocks, and watching them squirm!
why thank you Ms Marlena I enjoy the fuck out of you too
amen to that sister we are every bit of femdoms even though we may happen to love men and cocks and yes we are skilled and dangerous hehehehe
Oh … I just have to put my 2 cents worth in.
To my mind there’s a simple intuitive test. Man-haters of any persuasion turn me off. Non man hating FemDoms turn me on. They aren’t the same pursuits. I think FemDoms are rarely man haters … just my observation.
People sometimes assume that submissives are strong. Not sure I agree. Some are. Some, not so much. In my case, I’m not strong enough to submit to a FemDom of the man-hater variety. I find nothing sexy about that. I have no interest. But once I know she cares about me all boundaries collapse. Then, the more intellectually evil, wicked, mean and nasty the better. Mentally sadistic … it doesn’t t get any better! LOL The attraction is so strong that I don’t have to be.
Another need of mine. I find that I mirror my FemDom’s arousal level. If I sense she’s just going through the motions I’ll drift away. But if she’s getting off on my demise you can bet I’ll be in an erotically induced coma by the time she’s done with me …
I just realized. It’s during the pillow talk after. That’s when I know I’m with the right FemDom. Man haters could never pull that off for long.
John Q thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic I have met some man hating fem doms but most are not I mean you have to love men in order to truly enjoy controlling them that’s how I feel anyways
and yes I understand the drifting off if she is just going through the motions there is far more pleasure in being used when the person using you or dominating you is also getting great pleasure from it