As I mentioned at the start of my post yesterday this Ask Mistress blog post was delayed till today….but don’t worry it is worth the wait! If you have a question for me sexual or otherwise please feel free to use my ask Mistress tab right here on my blog. Your questions are answered in the order they are received and posted here on my blog.
Dear Mistress:
Will you post more sexy poems? Your Santa and cocksucking cuckie one was amazing.
First of all thank you!!! I typically do them around the holidays so yes you can look forward to seeing them again as long as I can be creative hehehehe
Dear Mistress:
Would you enjoy seeing a cuckold get gangbanged by a group of bulls? If so would you be content to watch or would you insist on directing the action?
Gang bangs are not something I am super into if at all so not really, but if I were to be a part of a gang bang I will certainly be directing it.
Dear Mistress:
Do you own a gun? If so, what kind?
I would rather not discuss this but just know I can protect myself .
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever used your feminine charms to get special treatment from a salesperson or authority figure?
I sure have …the one and only time I ever got pulled over I was able to sweet talk my way out of a ticket. I also used my ways when I was younger to get better grades and such LOL Nothing sexual just smiles and being my sweet witty self.
Dear Mistress:
What does having a big penis in your mouth feel like? Is it nice?
Hard yet soft, filling and amazing and when a hard cock in your mouth throbs it is just amazing!!!
Dear Mistress:
I recently had a dream that you were involved in that is a repeat of a similar one I had a couple years ago. In this dream you were instructing me on how to suck my own cock. Besides the obvious what do you think this dream might mean?
I think it means you crave my control and that you are so willing to hand over control, that you are willing to do anything for me such as cum eating and self-sucking. Oh and I would love to see you suck your own cock OMG would I ever!!!!
Dear Mistress:
My dick is 6.5 when hard is that a good size and its fat also
You cock is a respectable size but being the size queen that I am I prefer at least another inch or two for me to consider it fuckable.
Oooooh, so I just need to somehow grow another inch before you’d fuck me. That seems like a reasonable amount to grow…
Now, who knows of any growth creams that actually work!?! >.<
lmao jp none do!!!!