So here I am once again delighting you all with more to the story about my cuckold and his evolution form just an every day average guy to a submissive horny denied locked up cuckold. If you missed the latest post you can check it out right here
Chastity Lock up and denial
As I mentioned yesterday once we started down the path of chastity we have never looked back, in fact my cuckold craves it more begs for it more and has had some very long lock ups. There are certain times of the year where he is automatically denied for extended periods due to what I have going on in my life.
Denied at these times
Every year during my birthday month cuckie is denied for an extended chastity lock up. Why? Because that’s when I am having fun celebrating and well he is not a real man he cant have freedom during this time. Cuckie is also locked up every year from mid December all the way through till the day after Valentines day. You see this is when I have family in town for baking, the holidays, his birthday and of course Valentines day…..real men fuck and have lots of orgasms during these times of year and well as I said before cuckie here is NOT a real man and gets none of those pleasures
His devotion is permanent now
For some time cuckie has been wanting to get branded for me and after many many talks at length about what to get and even if he should get it he decided to go forward with it. It is important to know this was all on him as far as wanting it and not something I insisted he had to do to prove his devotion…with that said I am proud for him to wear my mark that brands him permanently as my devoted cuckold in chastity.
Feminization and denial
Something amazing happened along the way with my denied cuckold, he found his love of panties and feminine attire. In fact where once he shopped for panties for me he now shops for them for himself more! He has grown to love the feel of women’s panties against his locked up cage and craves it when he cant be dressed! Now he does not want to be a woman but he like I feels as though he is better suited as a sissy cuckold chastity slave than a guy in chastity or even a cuckold in chastity. Now he rushes home to get dressed now he looks forward to Mondays so he can slip into something more feminine….it blows me away how much he has changed and it makes me so very happy
One more to go
So now that I am at this point in his journey I have one more blog post to go and in tomorrows blog he will learn his fate for his next lock up and I know he is anxious to know will he be locked in chastity long term…be patient cuckie it is coming…..unlike you hahahahaha
Oh my! what a humbling but erotic post! I can’t wait to find out my chastity fate tomorrow!!!
~swoons~ You spell it out so perfectly Ms Constance! There ARE perks to being a Real Man. Cuckolds have often suspected that there surely is one standard for Alpha Males and one standard for Beta Males. Just like in nature, there’s a pecking order in life. When that beta males comes across an Alpha Female like the Intelligent Femdom … well, it’s a match made in chastity! ~laughs~