As you know I started this blog series the other day about my cuckold and the evolution of our relationship and where he is now…to read the previous cuckold evolution post click here Today I will be sharing more of our journey and what happened when cock control go brought into this cuckolds life.
Denied cumming in pussy then denied pussy
After I had denied my cuckold to behave like a real man and cum inside a pussy it was not long after that I decided he should not even be in a pussy let alone cum inside of one! He of course like a good cuckold took this well and although he misses pussy he knows it is not his place as my denied cuckold to even consider fucking…you will learn more in the future about why he is so unworthy.
cuckold and cock control
We came to a point where I felt he was masturbating too much for a cuckold cum slut…oh did I skip that part? My cuckold is a cum slut he has to clean all the cum up of his or well anyone’s really that has been a rule from nearly the start and he has followed it perfectly even eating cum off hit wife’s body when those rare times came up that she wanted to fool around. Now back to me taking more control over that cuckold cock..not only could he not cum when he wanted but I took full control of when he could even jerk off…real men jerk off cuckolds well they shouldn’t be cumming all the time like real men
Adjusting to cock control
Now as I mentioned in my last blog he was used to cumming whenever he liked so it was a bit of an adjustment for him to have me in full control of his masturbating habits….in fact I have full control over his entire sex life because without my permission he gets nothing including masturbating alone. He like any guy who is used to getting off when they like had to adjust to the ache of cum filled balls and the desire and fire that builds when one is denied and orgasm. After some time and some ups and downs he managed it well andnow thrives on the fact I am the sole controller over that dick!
More to come
I have a few more posts yet to come about this cuckold cum slut of mine and here is a little tidbit…..we took cuckold cock control to a whole new level one he has now found himself addicted to in a big way!!! Be sure to check back for more about my cuckolds evolution and find out his fate
It has been and amazing journey, one which I feel honored to have serve and pleased my Mistress!….I’m soooo loving reading your account of it Goddess!
I am blessed to have you cuckie and I am so enjoying this walk down cuckie memory lane
FANTASTIC post Ms Constance! This series is a wonderful way for a guy used to jerking off all the time with no restrictions to see some of the benefits of cock control. Cock control is amazing for anyone … and while we both know chastity isn’t for everyone this highlights the best point: endless, mindless, jack off solo masturbation gets BORING! It becomes ho hum, just like anything else done to extreme excess. Masturbation for a purpose is ALWAYS more exciting!