It is no secret that I love cuckolding men, so it was not a surprise when my now cuckold approached me in chat nearly 7 years ago and asked me if I was into his kink….little did he or I know where that one chat and following call would lead us. Now almost 7 years later, he is still with me and so much has changed…over the next few blog posts and perhaps, even several I will share about our journey.

How he was back then

Now my cuckold when we first met was an average guy with an average cock, but due to my size queen ways he knew his cuckold cock could not satisfy me and it led to many a hot role plays and discussions about he just does not have what it takes to please my pussy. Good news for him though, he was okay with that and only wanted to please me…..and please me he did in the ways a cuckold should like fluffing and cream pie duties.

Our first cuckold call

As I mentioned above, we met in chat and our one chat conversation led to a very hot and sexy cuckold phone sex call. I remember it well how I would cuckold him as he drove me around his city, with me in the back seat of a town car and my big dicked lover pleasing me in ways he never could. I wouldn’t say at this point in our new relationship that my cuckold was super submissive. Like I said, average guy with a kinky cuckold fantasy…ohhhh was I wrong about him not being very submissive, and you will learn it too as I post more.

Check back for more

I will leave this blog for you all to enjoy now, but do check back for more on my cuckold and how we have weaved our way through many fun kinky things….and when I am all done with this series of posts, you will be amazed at this cuckie’s evolution!
