I got a question sent into me yesterday from my ask Mistress tab here on my blog and although I am not going to share the exact question I will touch on the subject of it which is communicating with your Mistress.
Why is Communicating with your Mistress so important
Well with out that the Mistress has no idea what you truly want or need from your session. Communicating with your Mistress before a session about your needs and limits and even boundaries can help solve any odd situations from coming up that might make you or her feel uncomfortable. As with any relationship you are in without communication there can end up being hurt feelings or feelings of resentment.
Communication about everything
Now when I say it is important that you are communicating with your Mistress for all things I don’t just mean about in session and in kink play I mean in all ways. If there is something you wish never to hear like about her lovers or even other clients this needs to be made clear to her, in a respectful way. If you need to tell her about things in your life that may or may not effect assignments she gives, the only way she can adjust is by your communicating with her clearly. I do caution you though to not ask questions you may not want to know the answers too such as her experience in a kink that may have her responding about other clients and men in her life.
Non communication leads to…
When you don’t speak up and say what you need think or feel this can have negative effects on you and on your Mistress, sometimes by you feeling not so great about something she said and sometimes her feeling like I am not a mind reader how am I to know? So communication with your Mistress is important for a healthy sound relationship.
Mistresses are Human
Above all remember that your Mistress is human and as a human is probably going to make a mistake and step on a toe here or there and even say something that may bother you, so communicating with your Mistress not only your needs but also the things you never want to hear is important and it also builds the trust needed to be completely free and open to explore your kinks.
Spot on as usual! A lack of clear communication can send a session sideways faster than anything. Guys, if you’re not into watching your Mistress with another man, or don’t want any mention of other males at all, you’ve gotta mention that to us! Nothing will kill a boner faster than having your least favorite kink brought up. 😉 Although, if you’re into ruined orgasms, it can be a very effective tool to use to shrivel you up dry. lol!
thank you for your comment Ms Harper I agree about the clear communication is so important 🙂
Everything in here is so true and I have learned so much from you about communicating here. Not just what, but how and when, too. It can’t work unless mistress and caller have open, respectful dialogue. And boy does good communication make for better and better play! Yes mistresses are people too, but at least as to the ones I know personally here, including you, damn fine ones!
thank you for taking the time to read it and learning 🙂 and thank you very very much about me being a damn fine one hehehe
You could not be more right on that one, Ms Constance!!! Communication is sooo very important, both from the caller and the Mistress. If something bothers them we can’t do a damn thing about it unless we know, right? I know I make it clear to all my callers I want to know what you like/dislike ect. I also know that things happen, especially when…. let’s say, a caller starts asking about experiences with others. Well , then they can’t get upset with the answers. There’s a broad range on how things can get a little mixed up, but still the same answer. IF you have an issue, talk straight up to that Mistress! Not mind readers…damnit that’d be fucking awesome though, lol. Great Blog Sexy!
thank you my sexy communicating Mistress friend for this comment kiss kiss
What a great addition to you blog, Ask Mistress Constance. And once again Ms Constance you hit the nail right on the head. Oo that would hurt. 😉 As much as I wish I could, I can’t read minds – so the importance of communicating can’t be forgotten.
The questions I ask may seem random, but each of them has a purpose, and will make for a more interesting session
See you for the June Cock Radio Marathon on the 6th
LOL thanks Ms Viv and no nails on heads gaaaaaaaaaa and I know we all wish we could read minds but then again some minds are just so twisted I might get scared hehehehe
see you at the marathon sexy lady
Not sure how a caller can be mad about another man (caller or not) being mentioned, especially if he asked the question. I would think hearing about another’s experience would be more of a turn on,,,, certainly would be for me. Even if it were not something I was currently into, it may just open up a door to something I would want to explore with Mistress.
braboi I didnt say thats what always happens but sometimes it does and yes if you ask and we share you cant be upset but just so you know although you get super turned on hearing about others some just dont enjoy it……….now I am missing a few bras did you take them?
Very nice post, Ms Constance! Communication, from both sides, is so important to every aspect of any relationship, so why should it be any different for a Mistress and her subs?