Let me give you the heads up look for my Kinky Confessions blog Tomorrow instead of today
Oh yeah tonight is the night that Ms Hunter and I celebrate out birthdays together!
This has been a yearly birthday celebration for us for many years now and if you have ever been to one of these parties you know what a blast they can be
you can join us tonight at 8 pm eastern in the kink chat room here and of course tune in to hear us live together on cock radio here
Now what will happen on this show nobody really can say we have in the past gotten a little tipsy and giggly and well naughty too!
I will be in my birthday suit and I know Hunter will be too so join us naked and live tonight at 8 pm
You will also get to hear all the birthday greetings sent to us from our fans so tune in and lets celebrate woo hooooooooooo
(if you didn’t send one in yet you still have time mail them to me constance@enchantrixempire.com)

These’s a party in Tampa tonight!