Where? Live in our adult chat room and on cock radio!
When? Sunday October 30th from 6pm till 12am Eastern
Why? Because we want to party!!!!!
Theme: Rocky Horror
Are you ready to celebrate one of our favorite holidays here at Enchantrix Empire/LDW? The sexy ladies have spooked up some fun for everyone and want you all to join us as we celebrate Halloween!!! We are planning 6 hours of cock radio, starting at 6pm and going all the way to the witching hour at 12am. During the 6 hours of cock radio you will also be hanging out with some of the sexiest women on the planet right in our adult chat room.
Cock Radio Schedule for the event
6pm Tia
7pm Vivian
8pm Gemma
9pm Delia
10pm Cassidy
11pm Ann
How you can get involved!
Of course we would not have an event that didn’t involve all of our favorite kinksters having a chance to get involved in the fun and maybe even win some cool prizes!
1} Costume contest~ This is a full body costume not just your penis or a pumpkin we want to see your creativity so come up with a costume and post it in our Halloween group over on the Enchantrix Empire (no below the waist nudity please) and the ladies of LDW will pick a first, second and third place winner. All pictures must be posted in the group by 10-29-11. ***ONE ENTRY PER PERSON**
Prizes will be as follows:
First place: 1 ~ 10 minute call with one of the prize mistresses
Second place: 1 ~10 minute text session with one of the prize mistresses
Third place: 1~ 5 minute audio from one of the prize mistresses.
2} Enter the Halloween themed erotic writing contest. This is a fun creative way for you all to take those hot erotic writing skills we know you have and spin us a sexy spooky Halloween tale. To enter all you have to do is write an erotic Halloween story no less than 250 words and post it in our Halloween group on the Empire. *note these stories may be posted on our blog site* Please post your story no later than 10-29-2011. Just like the costume contest the ladies of Enchantrix/LDW will be the ones voting for the winner. ***ONE ENTRY PER PERSON**
Prizes will be as follows:
First place: 1 ~ 10 minute call with one of the prize mistresses
Second place: 1 ~10 minute text session with one of the prize mistresses
Third place: 1~ 5 minute audio from one of the prize mistresses.
Prize Mistresses
Here is the list of all the ladies who are on the prize list, each winner will notify me of which lady they would like to get their prize from…..this will be on a first come first serve basis, because once the lady has been chosen by a winner, her name for that prize will be taken off the list and the other winners will choose from the remaining available ladies on the list.
The following ladies are First place winners choices for the 10 minute phone sex call.
The following ladies are the Second place winners choices for the 10 minute Sexy texting session.
The following ladies are the Third place winners choices for the 5 minute custom audio
Save the date!
So there are all the details you need to join the party and to celebrate Halloween with the sexiest femdoms on the planet! If you have any questions please feel free to mail me at Constance@Enchantrixempire.com
I hope to take in as much as I can of the show…….I only wish you were one of the DJ’s too!!! It should be a blast, thanks for setting it up 🙂
Well cuckie I am going to be in chat hanging out and enjoying the sexy ladies 🙂 it is gonna be fun!!