Here you are on a Saturday night, searching through countless porn sites. What is it that you are looking for sweetie? I know….because I told you what you needed to watch, didn’t I slut? Every single one of the videos are about cocksucking. But for you… this isn’t really a chore, you enjoy the hunt for the perfect little clip. The part that really amuses me about you is… no one would ever really believe you would suck a cock… I mean nothing about you screams COCKSUCKING FAGGOT… not on the outside anyway.
Pretend to be a real man I know you are a cocksucking slut
But, as an intelligent Mistress who has much experience with your type, I can read your inside thoughts better than you can yourself. And you know what? What you look like, how others may perceive you, really doesn’t matter when it comes to the control that I have over you. I may seem nice and sweet, like your best buddy sometimes, but being a controlling femdom, I’m not one to be fucked with. Trust me honey, I’ll find ways to get into your head and I will bend your will.
Yes, I know you’re muscular, handsome, and this isn’t about having a small dick, I actually think you have a beautiful cock. But Mr. Alpha Dude (on the outside) to me, you are simply a cock sucker in training. Go ahead and fight, that’s what excited me… but you go ahead and try… and try really hard sweetie, you WILL fail.
Please me by being my cocksucking slut
You will do everything and anything to please me in any way I may decide, we both know this. Then again, yes darling, I know you will try vigorously to maintain your ‘macho man’ role. Sorry to tell you what you already know, but I’m going to take that away. I’m taking away your ‘manly man’ card and giving you a cock sucking faggot badge!
So you keep searching sweetie, find that perfect little cocksucking video. Start with the ‘pretty honey’ sucking on a nice rod, and then you’ll decide to try some she-male porn. We know that titties make everything better, right slut? Before you know it, you’ll be watching men go down on other men for their Mistress. You’ll open your mouth and suck on an imaginary cock, pretending you could be so lucky as to have me watch you the same way!
Go ahead and pretend you don’t like this. MMM, that part excited me so much! Remember this bitch, you will get your blow job techniques down pat. You’ll be my experienced cocksucking whore. I’ll have you begging for it and craving to be a cocksucker before long.
Are there any health dangers from sucking cock ? Can anyone answer this question. I love sucking cock but I am afraid I might catch an std .
Yes Emily you sure can and you should always practice safe sex….and Emily sweetie just google it and you will see many results and all the answers you need sweetie
God i love it when You talk like that, i so want to be Your bitch!
I felt the same way, Sissy Chrissy! The topic Ms Constance writes about here isn’t of any interest to me… but the commanding presence she takes while writing it… omfg!
mmm see love making you feel like this
you ARE my bitch chrissy make no mistake about it
Good thing I’m not a new slut cause you know me so well kinda scary how you know what I’m thinking
heheheh yes I do know you well my slutty one
I love this assignment! ….”You will do everything and anything to please me in any way I may decide, we both know this” It seems I’m not the only one 🙂
no cuckie you are not hehehehehe and this is just how it should be
How can anyone resist you? It feels so good to let go and just obey. Become what you both know you need and desire! I don’t even like guys, but pleasing you, just arouses me so much.
mmm pansy this makes me smile
There’s a million porno vids that show a pretty girl suck a cock before anything else happens, and we *both* know that my caller is wishing it was him! I tell them to pull out a dildo and suck it the same way. Imitating is an excellent way to learn! I get to hear them choke and gasp, and I just laugh because they love it. Every moment, every suck draws them in and makes them need it!
Ms Constance ~ I love your comment about looking for the perfect clip. Those little cocksucking whores have to find the perfect video (videos) ~ make a little compilation and watch and fantasies that it was them on their knees. It makes their mouth water. All that “alpha” is gone! The one thing all of those alpha cocksuckers have in command – they have to be the best at what they do. So they will practice and practice makes perfect/
There’s nothing like porn – or Phonesex to get a wana be cock sucker to warm up. The cock always tell the tale of what’s on a guy’s mind. Do you think it ever surprises them when they watch man on man smut and their cock pops up like a jack-in-a-box? And still they protest. when the porn loop playing in their brain are throbbing hard cocks ready to shoot their loads.
$$$cha ching$$$ $$$jackpot$$$ this blog post says it all!! Mhmm it wont b long watching hot tranny porn n u’ll be sucking cock for Mistress Constance in no time..or becoming a tranny slut urself!! It’s happening to me now..luv it luv it luv it I’m no fool uh uh no more pussy for mitch the bitch isn’t that rite Mistress Constance
I love the thought of being your bitch as I search for that perfect clip.