So today I woke up thinking of the many ways I have guided cock stroking with so many men over the years and decided to do a few blog posts with cock stroking instructions.
Now this wont be your usual cock stroking instructions in fact you wont be touching that bare cock ever during the instructions. Lets see how many of you can handle this before your begging to put your bare hand on your bare cock.
Pillow humping
Today will be pillow humping with your cock. This means any pillow you have from the bed or a couch or what have you. Yes techinaclly this is not cock stroking at all instead it is cock humping hahahaha.
Take a pillow and lay face down your bare cock on it. Hump that pillow till you hit the edge of orgasm and then STOP
Once you cool down you can now fold that pillow and stick your dick inside of it and fuck it till you reach the edge then STOP
Now you get to put your cock under the pillow place your hand on top of the pillow to hold if firmly against your cock and fuck it to the edge.
Next up is once again folding the pillow in half and straddling it so your cock is just rubbing against it…..glide your cock back and forth to the edge again.
Done for today
Now that’s it there are a few things above for you to do and that is all the attention that cock gets for today. Check back for more cock stroking instructions in the up coming days.
Was it satisfying or frustrating
Now I want you to share with me did you indeed make it to the edge with that pillow or was it frustrating? The goal with these cock stroking instructions is to build you up and keep you horny without actually ever touching your bare dick with your hand.
Get those pillows out guys time to have some fun!
I’m glad I have a hard pillow with a satin case. It took a bit to get going, but thinking of you letting me hump your legs is all it took. I was on that edge with just a few strokes. Can’t wait for the next insructions…mmmmmmm….your legs!!!
yay for satin pillow cases yes pet think of my sexy legs or sexy feet and that will get ya going hehehehe
Part of me wishes for this….but i am not worhty….please keep me locked Goddess
Oh you are not worthy and thus you will remain locked forever!