Well time for another weekly posting of my answers to your Ask Mistress Constance Questions. I am really enjoying all of the questions so feel free to keep them coming. As I have said before if you do not see your question yet it is in line to be answered in the order I received it and will eventually make it to the blog.
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever considered becoming a professional dominatrix?
No I know many and have had experience with being a real time dom to some submissive men but actually going pro nope…never had that desire I like to say my femdom side is a part of who I am not WHO I am as a whole and perhaps that’s why I was never interested in going pro
Dear Mistress:
Do you prefer your own company or do you like being surrounded by friends?
Both…I am comfortable in my skin and being alone and I love spending time with friends in fact spending time with those I love means the world to me and I savor every minute I get with them
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever had to punish one of your men for not doing what they were told to do?
Yes I have although it is rare for a submissive guy not to follow my wishes having said that I have had to cut guys off or put them in a Constance time out for poor behavior and disobedience. Which means no communication with me at all and trust me nobody likes that!
Dear Mistress:
Do you believe in the concept of female supremacy?
Of course I do in fact I think females are stronger than most men in general. Behind every successful man is a strong woman holding it down. Women take more of the emotional things in life and come from a good place versus men who tend to act aggressively on their fears . For men it is all about showing how big and bad they are and to me is shows how emotionally and mentally insecure they are.
Dear Mistress:
If you were sitting on the couch with your boyfriend or your bull and, rather than ask for one, he told you he wanted a blowjob how would you respond?
I would first laugh and say yeah so let me know when that happens for ya. Think I would tell him do me I might do you. Men in my life never TELL me anything they ask and yes sometimes beg…..Telling me what to do or what they want is always met with sarcasm.
Dear Mistress:
Would you rather have an utterly devoted domestic slave or an utterly devoted sex slave?
Oh this is easy a domestic slave for sure! I hate house work I hate cleaning and to have a domestic slave or sissy maid to take care of everything top to bottom would be awesome. I have enough men in my life and get all the sex I need.
Dear Mistress:
What would you do if you were alone with a perfect clone of yourself which would disappear in one hour and no one else witnessed or would ever know what happened in that hour?
I would bang her and video it so I can see what I look like doing myself hahahahahaha
I love this interview Ms Constance. I recently punished a boy for not following orders by dismissing him. To me this type of behavior demonstrates a typical “do me” boy topping from the bottom behavior. Also at one time I thought of going pro but a few prodommes that I know advised against it. It’s a very high burn out rate. Incidentally, one of them works for LDW now and is so much happier.
Thanks for reading Ms Cassandra and yes we cant have them doing as they wish when they beg to be controlled by us 🙂 and yes I have also heard of high burnout rate as well with pro’s and I am happy right where I am 🙂
Your answers always do two things…make me think of what I’d do and then with several …laugh my ass off, hahaha! Mostly because I know you so well and as I read some , I’m like oohhh this is going to be a good one! Again, I do think it’s really cool how you have opened yourself up to receive and answer them. Awesome.
I am so glad you get such a kick out of these and my answers I have been enjoying them so much and yes you do know me well enough you can probably hear my voice answering them hehehehe
It’s always a great joy to read more about you. Even though, I’ve not been surprised by the answers, I do love what thoughtful responses you provide. Which matches you perfectly.
why thank you sweetness I am glad your enjoying them and you know I am an open book 🙂 a very dirty book hehehehe
Very interesting. I think we’d all rather have a domestic slave, lol. I can’t say I agree generally that women are superior to men (shock) but I love the straightforward way you answered this and all the questions.
Yes we all need a domestic subbie hehehe and I can see why you may not agree about women being superior and hey this is my opinion and I never said my opinion should be everyone’s as you very well know hehehehe and yes straightforward is how I roll I don’t like to pussy foot around
I love these posts of yours that address questions from real callers and commenters, Ms. Constance. It gives us all a chance to see what’s on these guy’s minds and I’m sure that is something that each contributor in this post appreciates as well.
And Ms. Kaylee is right, when you’re in charge and especially when you’re banging a sub, it is going to be a fun one for all!
that is a great way of looking at it sure my answers give you a peek into who I am but honey you know me VERY well *winks* but it is so cool to see what the guys want to know and find out and get advice on I am really digging this weekly answering of the kinky questions hehehehe
Ms Constance ~ I so look forward to these posts. It never ceases to amaze me the questions that they come up with!! I have to say I love the one about being with a clone of yourself almost as much as I loved your answer. I couldn’t agree more with meeting demands with sarcasm ~ unless of course I’m playing switch! Please keep these posts coming. I am already looking forward to the next post!!
Thank you for checking them out I am so loving all the interesting questions everyone is sending in and come on if you had a clone of yourself you would bang her too wouldn’t ya?? hehehehe
*laughing* Oh, Ms Constance, you were being totally honest in your answers. I know this because I could so easily imagine you saying every one of those things. You tell it like it is, honey, and that is one of the qualities I adore about you. That and your serious enthusiasm for strippers with hot little bodies. *wink*
Ohh Ms Violet the lady who kept me from leaving Vegas broke from falling in love with a stripper hehehehe Yes you know this is totally me 100% remember the guy on Freemont street I said I would use my huge drink cup as a strap on and fuck his ass? LOL I was telling him like it was too hehehehehe
I love this Ms. Constance! I feel like I got to know you a little better as Mistress and really enjoyed reading this blog! I have to agree with Ms. Violet I love your honesty and enjoy the fact that you tell it like it is. Looking very much forward to reading more Q%A blogs from you Ms. Constance:).
Why thank you Ms Jenna I am glad you stopped on by and dropped a comment I love sharing and telling people what I think and feel am I always right no not really but am I shy about my opinion heck no hehehehe
ONLY YOU, Ms. Constance would bang yourself if you were cloned, just so you could know what you look like. Personally, I would think you’d bang yourself just so you could find out what the fuss was all about. After all, there are quite a few of us with crushes on you who’d give almost anything to have an opportunity to “bang you.” 😉
hahaha Ms Piper well that too and remember I said I wanted to record it so I can watch it over and over hehehehe and honey any time any place you have an open invitation to bang me
Miss Constance – even though we don’t do hands on or face to face sessions – aren’t we still Pros? We study, research and teach – which in my mind is more than anyone gets from a flog and go Pro. 🙂 But I’m with you on the subject – but for me it’s cause I’m done with traveling – unless it’s for personal fun.
I actually do not think I am a pro-domme yes I get paid for erotic telephone services and some of it is domm in nature but not all of my calls are. So for me in my mind a pro-domme is someone who not only gets paid for it in person but also is all domm all the time no wiggle room there 🙂
Glad to know my male mind has been researched a long time before I realised I was a submissive. Thank you all.
you are very welcome and trust me women know all about YOU hehehehe