HI everyone and although I have been out for the count recently I would never neglect posting my ask Mistress blog. I would like to say sometimes I am asked things as to why someone likes this or that and honestly I am not sure there is a true answer to them I just give my best thoughts on them. I think those who have the kink are much better equipped to answer them and I am certainly no expert on all things. Okay now onto the post

Dear Mistress:
I hear the term “size queen” a lot but what does it mean. In truth I feel as though most females I have ever heard talk about this subject seem to strongly prefer well size men. I have literally never heard a woman say she preferred little guys. Maybe there are but I have never ever heard it.I do remember in college there were some girls who were just very verbal about their preference so you would be scared of them (I think because they were so verbal you’d be scared they’d tell) but even quieter girls seemed to very much prefer size.

Size Queen means just that we prefer dicks to be big that we don’t settle for anything smaller and well we are queens and want big and hey bigger the better.

Dear Mistress:
Why is it exciting and gratifying to be cuckolded by a woman? It is humiliating and awful but at exactly the same time it feels positive. I have had women date other guys right in front of me and it is awful but a little positive too. There is something about the woman being satisfied that feels good even if it feels awful and is humiliating. Is it just a blend of opposites?

I don’t know since I am not a cuckold I suppose you asked and answered this question. I think some people male or female get great pleasure from the one they love being pleased even if it means that they are pleased by someone else.

Dear Mistress:
Two questions the beautiful kind sincere and sexy mistress constance. Mistress Constance,your comments to-Familiarity breeds contempt.AExpert is just a person from out of town.Thankyou Mistress Constance.

I am sorry where is the questions and what exactly does this mean?

Dear Mistress:
Is precum different to semen?

Yes it is consider precum like the lube for your cock for the semen. Pre cum is often clear and does not contain sperm although new studies have shown some pre cum to have sperm.. anyways it is way diff…just taste both and see for yourself hehehe

Dear Mistress:
Why would a well-endowed man enjoy sph?

I have no clue to be honest…I will say that he just enjoys a woman making fun of him but pretty hard to do some sph on an 8 inch cock if you ask me

masturbation control with Constance