WOW! I have been doing my Ask Mistress posts for a full year now and I have never had a shortage of questions to answer….for that I must thank all of you!! I had no idea when I came up with this idea last year that it would last this long or that you all had so many kinky questions, but here we are a year later and still going!!!! Thank you to all who have sent in questions, and as long as I am getting them, I will continue this weekly blog post! If you would like to send in your kinky question, please use the Ask Ms Constance tab here on my blog
Dear Mistress:
Mistress have you ever told a regular client not to call you any more? How many times? Vice versa, although I can’t imagine it, have you ever had a regular client stop calling you? How many times? What caused you or he to stop the calls? Other than the obvious like finances or lifestyle changes, are there signs that it’s time for one or both to move on? Thank you Mistress for answering all these questions.
Yes, I have had to part ways with clients in the past simply because it didn’t work for me and I was unable to give them what they were asking for. It is better to part ways than to be miserable because that would show in our calls. It has only happened a few times. As far as clients who stopped calling me, there are many reasons and sure, it has happened many times….and often I don’t know why. I suppose the sign that we should move on is when it just is not fun anymore, or one or the other just isn’t into it. You are welcome for answering and thank YOU for sending in your questions.
Dear Mistress:
Last night i was really horny and was watching some short porn clips of men being completely unable to move and a women jerking them off to ruined orgasms and then some post orgasm torture. Some seemed very skilled and others pure novice. My question is have you every tied a guy down and jerked him to the edge over and over? If yes would you consider yourself skilled or not so?
Yes, I have done this to several men and YES, I would consider myself skilled. I am totally in the zone in such situations and I pay very close attention to the reactions of the man who is tied and I can push him over the edge or hold him there very easily.
Dear Mistress:
Have you ever had a female sub? If not, would you like to? Why or why not? If you have had a female sub, what are some of the differences in having a female sub versus a male sub?
I never really have had a female sub. No real reason why, just never interested me in any way. With that said, I have had threesomes where another woman was involved and I took charge, but not in a Mistress submissive type of way.
Dear Mistress:
What gets you hotter?….Having a subbie ache, beg and drip for you in denial and/or chastity, or…Having a subbie moan your name as he explodes in orgasmic delight?….Also, what are the longest periods of time you have denied your slaves an orgasm….Lastly, what are the most times a Man (or Woman) has reached orgasm for you in the same session?
It is too hard for me to pick which makes me excited. Both excite me very much. I get turned on by denying a guy just as much as I am turned on by making him moan my name while he explodes for me. The longest I have ever denied a man an orgasm was almost 3 years and the most I have ever made a man cum for me during session that I was able to witness with my own eyes was 4 times.
Wow I can’t believe it has been a year either. The variety of questions and your answers are always fascinating. This week’s are no exception. Love to know it all gets you hot, and I’m wondering if the 4 times in one session was the same guy who you denied for 3 years?! Lol. Thanks for doing this.
I know right me neither but it has been awesome and no hehehe it was not him LOL
Great posts!………4 orgasms in “one’ session! Wow!! I can’t recall the last time i came 4 times in one month (no wait, it was last February) …..Oh , and being teased and edged without relief be an expert like you….I want…I need….I am begging for the chance!
thanks cuckie and lol no more 4 for you not in the same month no way no how hehehe
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary of Ask Mistress. Fantabulous!
thanks sexy
Wow! Time really flies! Congratulations on the anniversary! I love to reading these even when I can’t comment on them!
So much of what a Mistress does here in LDW Land concerns the men that have a need, but there’s a flip side to that coin, and that is the opportunity for the Mistress to have a little fun, too! Of course, I’m talking about tying a man down and tormenting them….I love to see them helpless and throbbing as I tease and take my time. We get off on the control! I never get tired of it!
Congrats on the Ask Mistress 1 year anniversary. It’s always such a good feeling when an idea really takes off. These are some great kink-related questions and your answers have been very enlightening, Constance. There may be endless questions out there but I am certain you have endless answers. : )
Has it really been a year? WOW! This is one of my favorite parts of any blog … I like the diversity of the questions; you answer everything from sexy fetish questions all the way into the background of phone sex and how we do what we do. I think these are all very interesting topics and I like to see your take on things. I like that you are straight up … what you see is what you get and even though we deal in erotic fantasy it always helps to have honesty as the basis of any relationship.