This is an erotic story about what I would love to do with Ms. Kaylee while you are tied up and have to watch….YOU will be a part of the play kinda sorta hehehehehehe
Surprise Lucky Voyeur
You walk into the room to see Ms. Kaylee sitting on the edge of the bed and right in front of her is a chair……she lets out a giggle and says so THIS is the one you are allowing to be the lucky voyeur.
“SIT,” you hear me say from behind you and as soon as you sit in the chair Ms. Kaylee bends down and fastens cuffs around your ankles…..I fasten the cuffs around your wrists and you suddenly feel helpless, bound to the chair unable to move.
You only get to watch
Kaylee sits back down and I walk over to her leaning down and kissing her full lips….I look over at you in just your boxer briefs and say, “HA! Look! The dirty pervert is already hard from watching us,and I haven’t even done anything but kiss you.”
You see me climb on the bed behind Kaylee who is wearing this sexy purple and black lace bra, pushing her perky tits up, making them look fuller and more luscious than ever, and a matching little thong panty and thigh high lace topped stockings. Your cock jumps when you see me behind her on my knees sliding my hands down the front of her, cupping her tits.
Your cock is hard and we are laughing
You let out a groan, and we both laugh….Kaylee points to your now stiff cock causing a tent in those boxer briefs. “My, my, my, what a horny bitch you are,” she says……you watch me slip my fingers into the cups of her bra and she lets out a moan as I find her nipples expertly working them between my fingertips tugging and pulling. You begin to shift in your chair, and I look over and say, “:Awwwwwwww, horny stroker wishes he could touch his cock for us, Kaylee.” We both just laugh!
Read more of this erotic story
To read more of this erotic story you will have to visit Ms Kaylee’s blog on Tuesday for the next part…….. Begging to touch your cock for Kaylee and I.
So Hard! So Hard! Tuesday!?!? Ohhhh!!! I will have two long Hard days of waiting to see if my fantasies matches Ms Kaylee’s. Wonderful start!
it is Tuesday get your sweet denied ass over to her blog to read it
Oh I did and now I have to wait til Thursday!! You make me ache so wonderfully!!
I have recently done a two Mistress call with both Mistress Constance and Mistress Kaylee. However, it was me who performed for their amusement that time….But WOW!!!To be privileged to witness two Goddesses enjoying each other like his, all while I remained frustrated, perhaps even waiting in chastity….Damn! that would be off the charts HOT!!!
ohh adding chastity would indeed make it hotter but not for this story perhaps the next one cuckie and don’t worry you will be performing for Kaylee and I again
Enjoying each other while driving that cock wild with such a tease = Priceless!! Such frustration…mmmmmm..not for us , of course hehehe 😉
My sexual frustration is at a all time having to wait till tomorrow!!
lol the next part is posted wait no longer come back here Thursday to see the next part
mmmmmmmmmmmmm god I love that you enjoy the tease as much as I do
So very fucking hot, Empress! See, I’ve never liked humiliation at all, but erotic teasing, especially with added bondage, is perfect. I kind of picture a ballgag being used here too but your mileage may vary.
well wait for it sunshine there will be some sort of gag involved hehehe and yay fucking magnus so cool to see you
OMG this is making me SO horny!!
mmm good that’s what it is supposed to do!
You know how much I dig this tease by two of the hottest phone mistress’s around. I’ve already put myself in that chair and waiting for more. I’ll be begging in no time for relief!
ohhh yes I know how much you dig this and love that you are waiting and sitting in that chair mmmmmmmm the fun we would have with you
Wow!!! I go away and come back to this sweet frustration. How “hard” it would have been to wait two days for the next entry but now I can just go read it. This is off-the-charts summer sizzling. I am sitting here stiff and excited with my eyes closed, hearing Kaylee moan as you pinch those nipples and play with that hot lingerie. Tent city for sure all day now. I bet there were some wet panties writing this one, hee hee.
hehehe surprise and welcome back!!!!!!!!!!! what a way to welcome you home huh?