As you all know, I love making silly holiday audios and of course, this Valentine’s Day is no exception to this…I played it for the first time on my radio show last night and I thought I really should share it here with everyone!

This is also a great time to remind everyone now that my radio show has moved to a new platform that lets you all get to enjoy the show even without being there! You can listen to it on the site or download it and listen to it when you are alone, but it is an excellent way to hear my show anytime, anywhere….but I warn you, it is NSFW (not safe for work), or for mixed company unless they like hearing me say fuck a lot hehehehehe.

You can check out my show page right here with all the episodes so far…and I invite anyone and everyone to give me topics to be discussed in upcoming shows…you can leave it in a comment here, or you can email me your idea for a show.

Now, without any more gibber jabber, here is the Valentine’s Day audio I did for 2016. Enjoy everyone!