As planned the following evening I showed up for dinner with you and your lovely wife, although she has talked so much about me you never really met me except to say hi in passing. As your wife introduced us I could see the look on your face as you stared at me dressed in a very short skirt and low cut blouse, your staring at my body made what was about to happen even more exciting. I couldn’t help but to think to myself this pathetic little dicked man has NO Clue as to  what is in store for him. We made it through dinner and small talk with ease and then I mentioned to you how your wife and I had gone shopping earlier and asked if you would like to see what she bought, of course trying to pretend like a real man you made some comment about wanting to see what your hard earned money has gone towards. As I hung out with you in the living room your wife went to change into her new outfit….I told you what a lucky man you are to have such a fun sexy wife…and just then she walked out wearing this see through black sheer nightie and matching tiny thong……you sat straight up in your chair shocked that she walked out in just that while you had company. Your tiny little dick got hard in  your pants as I stood next to your wife and began to point out how hot she looked in her new nightie and  having her turn around and show you her sweet ass.

As I began to explain to you how attracted I was to your wife and how she and I had wanted to surprise you with a night of naughty fun you looked shocked…….finally saying after several minutes My Wife? I laughed and said yes YOUR wife, your sweet conservative wifey loves you so much she is willing to step out of her comfort zone and give you every mans wet dream … a threesome with her and I. You took no time at all to follow us to the bedroom where we had you undress for us….and silly you having no apprehension about showing off that pathetic little 5 inch boner of yours and behaving as if it were something for us to enjoy.

As the two of us laid you down in the middle of the bed you were so turned on by about what you thought was going to happen you didn’t notice the handcuffs until they were tight around your wrists and keeping you locked to the bed post…and because you thought this was all about you and your pleasure you never even complained.  In fact the only thing you said was “mmmm Kinky ladies bring it on!”  With that I grabbed your sexy wife and as we leaned over your naked body I kissed her hard and deep, slipping my hand down and caressing her perky tits right through the sheer material of that new nightie just inches from your face, you try to stretch your neck to get in on our kiss but you just cant reach and I look down and giggle and say …. “Oh did you want us to involve you?”.  I laugh hard and loud as your wife giggles, “That’s not going to happen honey!”  You start to complain and ask to be unlocked when I sharply snap “NO!  This is not about you and your pathetic tiny dick….I know you thought it was but it isn’t.  This is about me showing you how to please your woman and how she looks when she is truly satisfied and not left wanting and needing more, like you have left her so many many nights in the past.  Well those days are over, loser.  She no longer needs to use the vibrator she has hidden in the bathroom to get off.”  I look down to see the look of confusion on your face and I snicker as I touch your still stiff little dick.  “Do you honestly think this pathetic little cock could please a woman?”  You try to wiggle and twist your body to cover up your tiny erect penis, I make fun of you, “Aww,  what’s wrong?  Does the little dicked man feel humiliated by the sexy woman?”  You call me a bitch and tell me I could never take care of your wife’s needs and I just laugh and say you’ll see.   You try to reason with your wife who has been giggling this whole time at you and she says to you in her sweet voice, “Relax honey.  I will always love you and be your wife, but I just need more then you can give me in the bedroom.”  And with that I slip out of my thongs and strip your sexy wife’s of hers and shove them in your mouth … gagging you with those wet panties so you can’t complain.

Ohhhh now do you think he deserved to be gagged by me? Find out what happens next in the next instalment you know your dying to find out what we do to him!! If your impatient and need to know now you can do so in a one on one erotic  phone session with me now.

Mistress Constance 1-800-601-6975

For an erotic phone session with Empress Constance, call 800-601-6975
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