As you know every week I am sharing chastity interviews done with my fellow LDW/Enchantrix Mistresses, this is to give you all an idea of how each lady like and handles chastity pets….feel free to leave comments and ask questions
1. As a Chastity Mistress, what do you enjoy the most about denying a man or locking them into a chastity device?
I absolutely adore the symbolism behind chastity. Male chastity represents so many things but for me personally it’s the interplay of the male’s acceptance of the female in a dominant role and his willingness to sacrifice certain freedoms as a show of devotion. Just like signing up for military service, not everyone is suited to chastity play so that certainly lends a certain nobility to it.
2. What do you expect out of your chastity pets once you have them locked up?
I expect my chastity pets to be well-mannered and hopefully obedient. It is important for the relationship to be of mutual benefit for both the Mistress and the submissive. That said, I tend to give my chastity subs little chores or assignments and I expect them to be done or else they can expect to have their denial schedule altered or worse, a ruined orgasm.
3. In your opinion, what is the most important thing that a chastity pet gets out of the relationship?
I think self-discipline is a big part of it. Just like with any habit in life, one must learn patience through extensive exploration and practice. Male chastity also encourages one to fortify the attribute of selflessness through service to a Domme. Denial is the vehicle through which a better man is honed and forged, much like a fine blade at the hands of a master craftsman.
4. What qualities do you look for in a chastity pet?
I realize not everyone starts with oodles of experience. Everyone is a beginner at the start of any activity. That said, eagerness and a willingness to learn are key. However, I absolutely require and even keel and a good temperament. Managing a large stable is tough work that requires constant organization and planning for a Mistress.
Therefore, my ideal chastity pet must be willing to ask himself, before taking action, in the spirit of selflessness, “Is what I am about to do helping my Mistress? In what way is it adding value to her day?” Those two simple questions alone will go a long way in constructing a long-term chastity relationship that will stand the test of time.
5. Do you prefer short lockups or long term?
That completely depends on the sub in question and his experience level, the parameters of our relationship, his overall behavior, etc. One of the reasons chastity play is so much fun is the sheer number of factors which must be considered on a day to day basis. No two are ever alike, and it’s great fun determining one’s fate. I think the best way to respond to this question is to put it bluntly: Any action I take is always centered around the G-O-A-L of long term chastity. You may start off with only a few days in lockup, but ultimately I want to press the limits of my sub and jointly experience the excitement of setting and achieving goals together.
6. Do you plan a lockdown with a definite term in mind or do you prefer to “play it by ear”?
I play anything and everything by ear. My submissives laugh when I tell them this but it’s true. I prefer to fly by the seat of my whimsy whenever possible. It’s certainly hard for things to go stale when even *I* do not know what is next.
7. This is hot and I want to be locked up, but I’ve never tried chastity before. What do I need to do to make it happen?
My preferred method of contact is email, that being I would love for you to introduce yourself, tell me of your previous experience with chastity, and ultimately what you would like to accomplish. I am open to working with all skill levels so there is no need to be intimidated aside from my overall dominant persona.
8. What happens if I change my mind once you’ve locked me up?
Since this is usually a normal occurrence for newbies, just know that I most likely have not planned an extended lockdown schedule. However, if you don’t learn to get used to it in the beginning you might never grow in that regard. Besides, Mistress is here to reassure you of your correctness of choice in the beginning. It will be easier for you as you succumb. Pretty soon you’ll feel naked WITHOUT your cage.
9. What changes can I expect in my life if you lock me into a chastity device?
For starters, you can expect the simple act of masturbating to becoming reinvigorated as a source of extreme joy and pleasure. You owe that to the law of scarcity. Human beings will always desire that which is most unattainable. On the days that you are freed from your device, the once mundane and inaccessible will suddenly become magical again. And who doesn’t want that? You may also become reduced to begging and pleading; something that may have been foreign to you. But here’s the caveat: you will actually enjoy it as well as hearing the word no.
10. How would you deal with a pet who has removed the chastity device without your permission?
I am fortunate in that a sub has never slipped out without permission. That is not to say that there won’t be times where early removal is necessary. It has most certainly occurred. What is important is the understanding by both parties that communication is key. It is important for a sub to seek permission and provide a valid reason for doing so. Once the sub agrees to a chastity contract, it is understood that his cock is no longer his own, but the property of his Mistress, and therefore he must always respect her authority in the situation.
11. Of all the pets that you’ve put into chastity devices, approximately what percentage will slip or otherwise not complete their term?
Over the years I have not been overwhelmed by the number of males wanting to be placed in chastity, and I think that is a good thing because it allows me to provide an appropriate amount of attention. While it is important to note how obedient a submissive is, experience has taught me that life happens. People get busy. They drift. Oftentimes a sub and I will drift apart and come back together due to budget, work, or many other outside constraints.
12. Since you don’t hold the actual keys to the device, how can you be sure that your chastity pet isn’t cheating?
To be truthful, I can’t truly tell when one of my non-chastity subs is jacking off over the phone, but if he tells me that he is then I am apt to believe him. Because really, what good is there in the lie? It’s certainly no loss to me. At the end of the day I will be secure in my power and you will only be cheating yourself of the full experience. That would be like purchasing a movie ticket only to “sneak out” the back door to the parking lot. The movie will go on without you and you’ll be stuck holding a worthless stub. “Boy, you sure fooled management with that scheme, ey?”
13. How would you answer a prospective chastity pet who says, “I want to be locked up and never cum again”?
I would ask him how much experience he has had with chastity and depending on his response I will decide his fate. Either way, he will get his wish. It’s just a matter of how “soon” that will be determined.
14. Being locked in chastity is difficult. How do you as the Mistress provide guidance and maintain your pets to keep them on the path?
I agree it is indeed a bold undertaking and I respect that.
I interact with my subs occasionally, but regularly, to take in their thoughts and feelings. Chastity subs in general can be rather expressive. Some of them make diary-like entries in a daily e-mail which I respond to as time permits. I will often give guidance, encouragement, and advice as needed, and especially celebratory feedback.
15. What are some of the day to day difficulties that I’ll experience if you lock me up?
Getting physically acclimated to a cage can be a daunting experience for some. There can be issues of chafing and of course learning to deal with the sensations that accompany erections while on lockdown can be harrowing. Nonetheless, Mistress will remain close by when you find yourself needing that extra push to stay the course.
16. In your experience, what signs do you look for that would indicate that a locked pet might be having trouble?
Quiet, as in days that turn into weeks of silence and despondence. Not everyone takes to chastity and some return to it after a brief hiatus. Signs of irritability can also rear up at unexpected moments. Once you’ve learned a bit about each other, signs of abnormality start to become more easily apparent and they can be addressed in the best manner possible.
You can find Mistress Alexis’s blog here
Alexis is very well spoken and extremely well thought out on this subject. I enjoyed reading her thoughts on what chastity means to her, how she interacts with those in chastity, her understanding of the intensity, and the goals of chastity. Interesting way of expressing the goal of serving too. I did, however, chafe at her use of the word stable. Callers aren’t animals.
Yes she is I would agree with that and she is a very smart woman and hands on with chastity………….as far as stable I think you might be a bit sensitive and if you ask any of her callers I am SURE they would say she treats them very well and NOT like animals
Wonderful Interview! Ms Alexis sounds as if she would be a great chastity Mistress! In my limited experience, She is right about so many things:
When she said…” It will be easier for you as you succumb. Pretty soon you’ll feel naked WITHOUT your cage.”
…I do feel naked without it and long for chastity when I am free….would have thought?
And her warning….”But here’s the caveat: you will actually enjoy it as well as hearing the word NO!”
….Ids true….I have often asked my Mistress for denial!
she indeed is an excellent chastity mistress she was spot on about the naked without the cage too huh cuckie hehehehe and saying no is so yummy
Ms.Alexis says:
“Because really, what good is there in the lie? It’s certainly no loss to me. At the end of the day I will be secure in my power and you will only be cheating yourself of the full experience.”
Chastity devices may never be offered to me, but regardless, I am a loyal, dedicated submissive.
I am glad you enjoyed it and your right you don’t need a cage to be controlled by me
As always great job and interview home town mistress
Ms Alexis was right on the money on so many things
why thank you home town homie I enjoy how Ms Alexis thinks about chastity and denial as well