I just wanted to take a moment out of my day to thank you all for making yet another one of my birthdays amazing!!!! Everyone has spoiled me yet again and I am over the moon about how much you all care!!!
My birthday gifts started arriving weeks before my birthday and here today almost 2 weeks after my birthday I am still getting gifts!!! Wow what can I say but I am touched and thrilled and I certainly love the fact I am spoiled!!!!
I wont list all the gifts just know from the biggest to the smallest the cutest to the most unique I loved every single one of them and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
To those of you who joined in on the cock radio birthday bash held by myself and fellow birthday girl Ms Hunter I want to thank you for making those 2 hours of live radio a blast!! Thank you to all of you who sent in audio shout outs as well as written ones….Ms Hunter and I were very touched!!!
For those of you who were not at the show to hear my announcement about if I would return to the cock radio air waves well the answer is YESÂ I will indeed be returning to the cock jock seat……I will be replacing the Friday night chat from 8-9 pm with one hour of sexy cock radio………the return date for me on the cock airways is Friday November 2nd!!!!
Once again I thank each and everyone of you for the gifts the birthday wishes and all the love!!!!!!
The outpouring of birthday wishes and gifts shows how special You are to all of us. You are a pleasure to talk and interact with, not to mention an extremely sexy Mistress!
thank you sweet jolene you make me smile
I am very glad that you had a wonderful birthday month. You are a wonderful woman, one who I am happy to have met.
thank you forrest for being part of the reason it was so awesome
You deserve to be pampered and spoiled, after all, you make me feel pampered and spoiled with your attention. You are amazing and totally deserving! The reason you are “over the moon” is because none of the celestial bodies can hold a candle to you. You outshine every star and you are hotter than the sun. No hyperbole, just plain facts…………….
thank you gummy you have been so good to me and it does not go unnoticed!! Thank you for helping to make my birthday great!
You are a gift to each one of us. Each day you are in our lives is special day for us and you truly do deserve every gift you receive.
thank you very much wessypoo I think you are all a gift to me as well
What can I say but it may have been Your birthday but You gave me the best gift a person can You have shown me who I am what I am I am truly blessed to be under Your care
awwww slut you are sweet thank you
We are so lucky to have you in our lives. You bring so much joy to all of us. You deserved a special birthday and I’m glad you got one. You rock Sexy!!
Thank you Kurt 🙂