Everyone will have a different take on what makes a phone sex call great here are 5 tips that I like to give when people ask me how can I make phone sex calls great

Tip 1 Communication

Yes communication is important no matter how you choose to do it. You may be shy and want to contact me via yahoo or email first to feel me out and some like to just pick up the phone and get a feel for me.

No matter which avenue you choose it is important to communicate your needs and wants for your session. If you are unclear of what exactly you want let me help you by suggesting several things that will make this a great phone sex experience

Tip 2 be open minded

You need to have a bit of open mindedness, be willing to explore those things you dare not share with anyone  because I promise you there is no judgment with me. Talk about the kinks you want to explore and understand that you will need an open mind and a willingness to trust my direction to get the full experience.

Tip 3 be honest with yourself and me

Hiding things from me or even not admitting them to yourself will not help you achieve that nirvana you can sometimes experience in phone sex, be honest with yourself about what it is you enjoy and then share that with me be honest about your needs wants and yes even fears.

Tip 4 let me do my thing

Once you have shared with me your needs and wants and what type of session you would enjoy including the things you would NOT like to happen during our session let me do my thing.

I have been doing phone sex for nearly 10 years now and I have a firm grip on many kinks and fantasies and can blow your mind with my role plays and my story telling along with my creativity.

Let it be organic and free flowing and you will find that your orgasms and your overall phone sex experience will be more intense because of it.