So you all know that if you want to show off on web cam during a phone sex session that I am thrilled to be able to watch. There are however a few things you should and shouldn’t do for a web cam phone session.

The Dos of a web cam session

The first thing you should DO is make sure the Mistress you want to session with has skype and is able to view your camera. Yes there are a few occasions where ladies don’t or cant watch on skype so be sure to check first.
Next thing you need to DO  is add the Mistress to you skype contacts if she is not already or provide her with your skype name so she can add  you.
Up next to DO is test your skype….always test it before session to be sure it is working and updated and such. We all know to well how skype likes to do fucking updates that screw with ya!
Do get ready for your session having all toys and such needed right there within arms reach.

I like to have you DO those things before you session makes sure everything is ready to go so less time is spent on the technical side and more time on the kinky side!

Pet peeve of mine

So this is  something that drives me wild when I am watching you on web cam…….dirty rooms, clutter, filth! I thankfully do not see this all the time but when I do it certainly takes away from my focus and all I can think of is clean that fucking mess up!

Dont’s of web cam calls

These are my personal things so it may not apply to all ladies. You can check with the Mistress you are doing session with for her personal preferences.

Don’t have anyone on web cam with you that is not supposed to be.
Don’t allow your pets to roam free into the room you are in (very distracting)
Don’t do close ups of your anus. I can see the dildo going in I don’t need you an inch from the camera.
Don’t Put your dick up to the camera unless I ask you to do so.
Don’t move the camera too much,If I need you to adjust things I will ask you to move it. Many times you go moving it so fast and such I get like dizzy so chill, stay still.

Ready to add me watching you to your next session?

Now that you have the basics of what to do and what NOT to do during a web cam session with me (remember I watch you and you can NOT see me) are you ready to kick things up a notch and add some excitement to our next session by letting me see you perform? I love to watch you doing what I ask and seeing the fruits of my labor so don’t  hesitate to set up a session with me and soon!