Kinky what would you do questions

So today while enjoying my morning coffee out by the pool I was thinking about some kinky topics and scenarios…and I thought hmmmm wonder how my followers would handle the situations….so ladies and gents below you will find some kinky what if this happened...

What happens when I am not into your kink?

So today lets discuss what happens when you call or reach out to me for a session, and it is one of those rare things I am not into.  This happens from time to time, but thankfully I am into so much that it is rare for me to say I’m not into it. Why am I not...

Kinky Play: don’t over think your kink

I am often in the position where I am helping others discover their kinky side and exploring kinky play with them for the first time. One thing I always tell those exploring a new kink for the first time is don’t over think the kink. Embrace the kinky play When...