New Year and New Kinks

So here we all are in the last days of 2018 and man what a fucking nightmare of a year it has been. I am looking forward to the New Year and a New me that I hope will shine through. Or should I have said the old me coming back ha ha ha. Either way it got me to...

Kinky New Year: Let’s Figure Out Your Plan

So here we are at the end of another year! Wow, time sure has flown past! I was thinking about this while laying in bed last night (yes picture me naked in bed), and I thought it would be awesome to take some time for you to get with me about your new year’s...

Kinky New Years Resolutions

The end of the year is fast approaching, and I can not believe how fast 2015 has left us, but now it is time to look forward to a New Year and for some of us that means a kinky, new year. So tell me, what kinky resolutions do you want to achieve in the new year?...