by Constance | Jun 3, 2019 | masturbation may
Hey Hey Hey Everyone Happy Jerk off June! As many of you know I held a Masturbation May Contest. I said call me during the month of Masturbation May and win a chance at free phone sex or a pair of my panties………..well the winners were picked last...
by Constance | May 10, 2017 | masturbation
Happy Masturbation May everyone and I know we are 10 full days into the month of Masturbation and I am just now getting around to posting about it. However don’t think I have not been joining in on the masturbation fun just because I haven’t posted...
by Constance | May 7, 2015 | guided masturbation, masturbation
Today I bring to you some fabric fun and how you can use different types of fabric to enjoy some hot jacking off time. First thing you will need to do is gather up some different type fabrics jacking off with soft things You can find many soft things for you to jack...
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