HI Everyone and Happy Hump Day! Not only is it hump day, but it is Ask Mistress blog post day, where I share the questions sent in to me and give my thoughts, opinions and answers to them as best I can. If you would like to ask me something, just use my Ask Ms Constance tab at the top of this page.

Dear Mistress:
I used to think (or wonder) if a lot of the “size matters” stuff was just fantasy. My sense now is that it is not. I have come to believe that most girls/females are sort of “size queens” (for lack of a better word. There is I am sure variation in how women feel but my sense is most females like to think about, imagine, be with, handle a big one if possible. I also have come to believe that women think a little differently toward and about guys with tiny ones. Sometimes this may come across subtly but I think women are more likely to be assertive and demanding with small endowed guys. Not that that is the only factor but I think it is one. I have come to believe that there is a biological reality that tiny guys do, in fact, need to learn to accept a certain “position” to keep a female. I don’t mean that a guy with a large penis is all set. There are of course many, many other factors. But I do think the little guy has to accept that he needs work harder to keep her or please her. On some level he knows it. I think women do to

I am not sure if this is a question or just your thoughts, but I agree with everything you said. Most women think and want larger cocks and lots of women do tend to be in a power position with a guy she knows only has a small penis. Yes guys with large cocks don’t just get a free pass, but one good hard fucking from a big dick sure can help a woman forgive his mistakes…whereas a man with a small penis really has to work at pleasing her in all the many ways he can.

Dear Mistress:
I absolutely love femdom calls, but sometimes I have a desire to just do a “booty call” so to speak, where I am horny and want to get off and just don’t want to do it alone. I know it depends upon the Mistress, but is there a list of Mistresses that do not mind taking that kind of call from time to time?

I totally understand this, and sure, there are ladies who take such calls. I happen to be one of them. I am sure that the ladies of live help can assist you in finding a lady who is willing to just get down and dirty with you, so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask. I don’t have access to any list to be able to put them here, but they should be able to help. Also, just reach out to the Mistress ahead of time see if she is up for it. You can also ask dispatch to make sure the lady you’re thinking about talking to is okay with it…they can IM her and be sure before sending you.

Dear Mistress:
Thank-you mistress Constance for answering my questions. I guess I poorly worded the one question. I do agree that knowing one well does increase the quality and intensity of the relationship.in fact i am already feeling closer to you just from our few communications. Life is about quality relationships and thank you for helping me and others expand our knowledge guess I was referring to the sexual fantasy part where on certain days the fantasy offered by the mistresses find me wanting to go with different Mistresses based on my feelings at that time.

Thank you for following up…I think if you just spent a few minutes reaching out to the Mistress ahead of time to share your mood of the day, you might have a better time finding the lady for you. Also let’s say you get on a call and you’re in one mood and the Mistress is in another mood. You can very nicely explain that to her and you can also be asked to be sent back to dispatch…no hard feelings. It happens to everyone. The key is communication.


stpattys                                                                               HAPPY ST PATTYS DAY EVERYONE