I got a question sent into me yesterday from my ask Mistress tab here on my blog and although I am not going to share the exact question I will touch on the subject of it which is communicating with your Mistress.

Why is Communicating with your Mistress so important

Well with out that the Mistress has no idea what you truly want or need from your session. Communicating with your Mistress before a session about your needs and limits and even boundaries can help solve any odd situations from coming up that might make you or her feel uncomfortable. As with any relationship you are in without communication there can end up being hurt feelings or feelings of resentment.

Communication about everything

Now when I say it is important that you are communicating with your Mistress for all things I don’t just mean about in session and in kink play I mean in all ways. If there is something you wish never to hear like about her lovers or even other clients this needs to be made clear to her, in a respectful way. If you need to tell her about things in your life that may or may not effect assignments she gives, the only way she can adjust is by your communicating with her clearly. I do caution you though to not ask questions you may not want to know the answers too such as her experience in a kink that may have her responding about other clients and men in her life.

Non communication leads to…

When you don’t speak up and say what you need think or feel this can have negative effects on you and on your Mistress, sometimes by you feeling not so great about something she said and sometimes her feeling like I am not a mind reader how am I to know? So communication with your Mistress is important for a healthy sound relationship.

Mistresses are Human

Above all remember that your Mistress is human and as a human is probably going to make a mistake and  step on a toe here or there and even say something that may bother you, so communicating with your Mistress not only your needs but also the things you never want to hear is important and it also builds the trust needed to be completely free and open to explore your kinks.

Communicating with your Mistress  is important